There’s so much to say,I can’t help but cry,the pages have run out,the ink is running dry. There’s so much to say,all there is,…
Do you know of the dance?that many do, yet hide,it involves silver, crimson,and a world of lies. You can only dance alone,let nobody know,make…
The once grey skies are now kind of blue,the sun shines a little brighter.Inside me is a feeling that is new,today my heart feels…
She justs wants to be loved, to for once just be heard,to fly free like a dove, with no limts or bounds,be loved the…
Whenever I say,baby you hurt me,why does it turninto world war three? Why can i not say,that I have been hurt,with your behaviour,with the…
She wants to be normal,She wants to party,But something stops her,Reminds her shes empty You can’t see the control,Still there months after,Making sure she…
Today is the day,I will do nothing but smile,Surely i deserve,A good day once in a while, Today is the day,I say goodbye and…
Hey baby girl listen,Its time you are told,The truth and reality,Shatter that warped mould, It was never your fault,You were never to blame,They were…
Mama I’m scared,The broken glass,the crimson stream,the whimpers and cries,the muffled screams Mama, I’m scaredmy mind is begining to wonder,is this how it’s supposed…