Time for me to talk…

I have also been amazed by people who have problems and suffer from mental health issues. I don’t know why, but from a young age I’ve always been interested, I love helping people, solving their problem. Maybe I somewhat knew that deep within I has issues myself. No, not maybe, I definitely failed to see the denial I lived in, pretending I didn’t identify with these exact issues.  I also spend most of my time defending people with issues helping them, I don’t know why, but I always felt everyone has a reason, something to explain. I have always spent my time and life trying to help others, it was just something I do, it brings me ease. 

So I write about my experiences because maybe, just maybe, someone will relate to some part of what I have to say and know, that they are never alone. That it’s normal to feel this way and we will get through it.

The list is below, so read away…

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